Tuesday, October 26, 2010


     We've all been on them as children while our parents are taking forever in the line at the supermarket. We beg our parents for 25 cents and head outside where the few games and cheap rides are located. However, the above isn't the typical kiddie ride which we are used to riding, you know the red helicopter or pony. This is Banksy's latest work inspired by the BP oil spill that occurred last April. The dolphin is wrapped in a tuna net and crude oil with the "BP"  logo clearly stamped on the oil barrel. Located at Brighton Pier in England, this piece of artwork is still used as an amusement park ride for many children and visitors.
     Not familiar with the artist? Banksy is infamously known for his street art that started off in Bristol, England in the early 90's, ranging from graffiti to stencils. Most of his early art has been covered up or destroyed due to communities declaring his artwork as vandalism, but Banksy's art work is becoming more prevalent and renowned through out the states.
You would think that an artist that is so famous would want to be known. However, he has stayed anonymous for the past 20 years and very few people know who Banksy truly is. This past January at the Sundance FIlm Festival in Utah, Bansky was a prominent character in  Exit Through the Gift Shop, a documentary dealing with Thierry Guetta's interest in street art. Bansky is present throughout the whole film and is even interviewed but his voice is distorted and his face is hidden to keep his identity unknown.
     Still, known or uknown, Bansky is still able to captivate passer-bys with his art adorning sides of buildings and the ground while expressing his opinion in a witty manner.
Check out his website to see if you can recognize some of his art: http://www.banksy.co.uk/

1 comment:

  1. I use to love those rides.. i use to beg my mom every-time she went to the supper market and me and my sisters would take turns and ride them... but i do not really like this on that BP has.. first they put many lives in danger and didn't want to do anything about it. this dolphin should be band because it is almost poking fun on the mess that BP made and that wasn't funny.
